John W, I haven't the faintest idea. My only intention was to report this faulty behavior on this list and eventually help with finding the bug by providing additional information if needed. Creating a shortcut simply doesn't work for me across browsers and operating systems.
Video tutorial on how to create a desktop, taskbar, and/or start menu shortcut for Google Calendar.
Every time I check the corresponding option in the Gears options for offline GMail the shortcut is not created and the checkbox does not stay activated. My Windows XP installation is fairly new (less than 1 month old), up to date and uses only a minimal amount of applications. The shortcut creation for other Google application like Docs works on the other hand without a hitch. Michael Jahn 10/2/2009, 8:02 น. How do you start GMail when you are offline and your browser is shut down? I have the same problem, creating a shortcut for GMail just doesn't work on different PCs (German Windows Vista, Firefox 3). Well I also cannot access my GMail by just typing ' in my browser when I'm offline, it only works when it was opened or if I type '.
This keyboard shortcut conflicts with a default Mac OS X key assignment. To use this Office keyboard shortcut, you must first turn off the Mac OS X keyboard shortcut for this key. On the Apple menu, click System Preferences. Under Hardware, click Keyboard. How to Customize Keyboard Shortcuts in Word 2016. On the File tab, choose Options. You see the Word Options dialog box. Go to the Customize Ribbon category. Click the Customize button (you can find it at the bottom of the dialog box next to the words “Keyboard Shortcuts”). You see the Customize Keyboard dialog box, as shown here. Mac word keyboard shortcuts. Keyboard shortcut for Formula Editor in Word Is there an equivalent to Word for Windows' keyboard shortcut [Shitf]-[Alt]-'=' to open the formula editor, in Word for Mac? I have not found it, also I tried to assign a keyboard shortcut, without luck. If you want to create a custom keystroke, use the instructions in Word Help on the subject: Create or delete a keyboard shortcut. The procedure in the beta is the same as in Word 2011. Select All Commands from the Categories list, then assign the custom shortcut to either the EquationToggle or the EquationInsert (not InsertEquation) command.
Okay I took a walkaround and created an icon manually with the target: 'C: Program Files Mozilla Firefox firefox.exe' Well it works this way. Hope you can fix it:-)) seeya 12/4/2009, 15:54 น.