The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. You are the famous private detective Hercule Poirot and, once again, you find yourself up against a mysterious serial killer who goes by the name of 'ABC'.
Your deductions must be smarter than ever and your brain will need to be razor-sharp to solve the trickiest of puzzles if you want to stop this enigmatic murderer! • Collect information by examining suspects • Solve puzzles in order to obtain more clues • Make deductions to learn about the murderer • Build a timeline of events while investigating. Rated 5 out of 5 by gamesrgreatfun from Large File Game (NOT Hidden Object) Awesome Game!! This kind of game used to be called a large file game. If you think of the Nancy Drew games, this one reminds me of those games. If you are looking for hidden object scenes and an easy game to play, this is NOT it.
Filezilla for mac old version. If you are looking for a challenging, stump your brain game, THIS IS IT! The graphics are hand-drawn and are quite clear. They do not have all the gorgeous colors and scenery to look at but that's not to say it wasn't interesting to look around and try to discover all the things Hercule Poirot had to say about everything.
I love all the conversations with the different characters and slowly finding out more about them. Trying to figure out who the murderer is was really tough. There are other viable suspects who are only cleared at the end. My favorite part of these kinds of games though, is that the questions that you pick to ask the suspects (and with what kind of attitude) does determine some outcomes in the game. If you pick the wrong ones It will also get you some very humorous achievement awards.
Make sure to read through all of the achievements, they are pretty funny towards the end. The ones at the beginning of the list were very routine and monotonous but skip over to the end ones. It would be worth replaying just to see the different circumstances that change if you deliberately pick the ones you know would not be the ones Poirot would pick! This game does have a hint button and the loading screen between scenes tells you clearly how to find it. However, it takes about 10 minutes to reload.
I used the hint about 5 times during the game. I probably would have used it more but I went and found the walkthrough for this game.
I only looked at it when I was stuck for quite awhile and had no idea how to do something or what I had missed. The hint button, I'm happy to say, did not skip the mini-games but rather gave you part of the answer or showed you the first thing you had to do. Then you still had to figure it out from there. I know this is a newer game (2016) but it plays like the games from 10 or 20 years ago, like the ones I love to play! You have to think, you can't just hit the hint button every few minutes, or teleport on the map (there isn't one). It has an excellent storyline that pulls you in rather quickly.
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