To enable right click on an Apple desktop with an Apple mouse connected: • Go to “System Preferences” • Click “Keyboard & Mouse” • Click the “Mouse” tab • A picture of the mouse will show up. Control-Click is a two-hand operation. I know I COULD train myself to use one hand for control click, but that would mess me up when I’m using an external mouse. Control Click follows a different code path than right-click (which still boggles me the lack of a proper input manager in OS X is a big problem) and not all applications follow the guidelines on control-click (particularly ported applications). I know I could be politically correct and spurn all non-conforming apps, but I got my computer to do work, not to be politically correct. Free stb emulator mac address.
The bottom line is, Apple needs to get over the whole “one button mouse” thing, both on the trackpad and on the passive-aggressive “mighty mouse”. Toshiba driver for mac.
May 4, 2018 - That meant there was no way to right-click on a Mac mouse. However, you could. To enable that, just select 'Click on the left side' instead.