Note: If you use Excel on a Mac read the information on this page. If you want to insert a new specific worksheet to your workbook with a nice layout and maybe a few formulas on a regular basis then you have two options. Or hold the CTRL key down and drag the sheet tab to the right or left with your. Make a copy each time of a clean worksheet with your layout. Note: when you change the default Excel worksheet you can use the normal options in the.
How to delete a calendar from iphone. It isn't clear why you're having to do this in 'every' workbook or what the 'issues' are:-) The 2 features you mention are actually one in the same -- simply different methods of imposing scaling of the content. The Fit To option allows Excel to scale the content as necessary whereas the Scale value allows you to specify the preferred percentage yourself. [Pursuant to that, Fit To adjusts Scale value but entering a Scale value does not activate (i.e., check the box for) Fit To settings.] For example, I have a file which is too wide to fit on a single sheet of paper based on paper size & margin settings. If I use Fit To for 1 page wide x 1 page tall Excel automatically sets the Scale value to 83%. If I clear the Fit To check Excel sets the Scaling value back to 100%. IOW, Fit To is a convenience feature for Scaling the Print Area.
Additionally, Scaling is worksheet specific. It is neither a workbook setting nor a global Excel preference. Each sheet in a book can have a different scaling percentage based on the volume of content in its Print Area & the needs for that particular sheet. Further, the values set are saved with the workbook file, so each time the file is opened each sheet's Layout specifications are as they last were, assuming the workbook was saved after the adjustments were made. If you'll provide a more detailed description of the problem perhaps someone can offer some explanations & useful suggestions.
Basically what you see from the images is that the Mac OS RAID software is soooo much more efficient than Windows RAID. Posting them here for you guys thinking of doing the same thing. Raid format for windows and mac. I have performed a number of tests on my LaCie 1TB SSD using thunderbolt and the result is, well, disappointing.
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