Here’s another tip from as well as other bookstores, and also as an for all eReaders. If you’ve got a lot of fonts installed on the system, you may find it helpful to create a sample document displaying them all. Lots of professional designers rely on binders full of such printed examples. An AppleScript will do the job.
Apr 29, 2018 - The Mac's Font Book app allows you to install, remove and organize all of the fonts installed on your Mac. Find out a few tips for using Font. Now Flip DOC for Mac is your easy way to building fantastic 3D books from dull text files, add background, tool bar, sound, and real life-like turning book effect. The flexible program will help you to build your stunning digital publications on Mac, without any programming work needed, simple but powerful absolutely!
Start by opening the Font Book application, which is the Mac font manager (Finder->Applications->What is the latest version of safari. Font Book). Highlight any or all the fonts you want to include in the sample document. Then open Finder, hit Shift + Command + G, and type /Library/Scripts/Font Book. Then double-click Create Font Sample.scpt.
This will open the script in AppleScript Editor, but don’t worry; all you need do is click the green Run button on the program’s toolbar. This will open a TextEdit document, and, slowly but surely, it will be filled with samples of each font you selected earlier. Once it’s finished, quit AppleScript Editor and then save and/or print the new TextEdit document as required. UPDATE: With the help of Cult of Mac reader Deborah’s comment below, I’ve updated the script so that it pops-up a dialog box asking for a sentence or paragraph which it will then use to create the font sample document. The new script and can be used in exactly the same way as described above–download it, open Font Book, double-click the new script, then click the Run button in AppleScript Editor.