Download Google Drive File Stream for Mac or Windows. What if I'm using the current Google Drive sync application? To installing Drive File Stream, you can upgrade to the new version of Drive for Mac/PC, called Backup and Sync. Sep 7, 2017 - The aging Google Drive app for desktop is officially deprecated as of today, Google announced in a blog post. Support will be cut off on.
Google is readying a new Google Drive replacement backup tool that's intended to help users back up files located anywhere on their computer. Called, the new app will replace both the Google Drive client and the Google Photos Backup app, combining their sync features in a more unified client interface. Backup and Sync will be able to monitor and backup files and photos inside of any folder specified by the user. Currently, files have to be moved into the Google Drive folder for them to be synced to the cloud, but the new app will be able to back up files and photos on the desktop, in the Documents folder, in Pictures, or from anywhere else the user chooses.
Backup and Sync will be released on June 28. When Drive users come to upgrade, Google says the new tool will respect any existing folder settings on Mac and PC to make the change seamless.
The new app coming in iOS 11 supports third party cloud services including Google Drive, so the new Backup and Sync tool should offer users another option for easily accessing files on their Mac from their iPhone or iPad. Free Google accounts have a 15GB cap; paid accounts start at $1.99 a month for 100GB, with the most popular tier currently $9.99 a month for 1TB of storage. Google says the new app is intended for consumer users and recommends that G Suite customers continue to use Google Drive until its new enterprise-focused solution, Drive File Stream, becomes available later this year.
Teresa (or anybody responsible) from Google. I think from reading this post it's clear that your auto-update explanations are fake. I myself pay for extra storage and really don't like softwarevendors lying and not being transparent about the functionality of their products. You aim with Google Drive on professional use (besides consumer use). Can you at least get a little bit a professional act together and respond normal in this forum? Since it seems to be the only thing Google has organized around Drive Support. Same for me, I also have to update manually.
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Perhaps it's because I'm running as a normal user (not an admin) under Mac OS X (10.8.4). I wrote a little shell script, because I got sick of manually checking the version: #!/bin/sh URL=' DEST=/tmp/installgoogledrive.dmg DESTMOUNT='Install Google Drive' wget --quiet --no-check-certificate -O '$DEST' '$URL' hdiutil mount -quiet '$DEST' PREV_VERSION=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print:CFBundleVersion' '/Applications/Google') [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 1 # Exit if something went wrong VERSION=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print:CFBundleVersion' '/Volumes/$DESTMOUNT/Google') [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 1 # Exit if something went wrong if [ '$PREV_VERSION'!= '$VERSION' ]; then echo 'Please install update!' Else echo 'Google Drive is up to date.' Hdiutil unmount -quiet '/Volumes/$DESTMOUNT' rm '$DEST' fi Sjef X 14/6/2013, 2:14 น. @Bart: this really is a good addition to this thread.
Pity it needs to exist. I too thought it might have something to do with not working normally with an admin account and mentioned this in my support call. Although I felt stupid in mentioning such a trivial suggestion I had the idea it was getting too complex for the agent so I left it;-) Must say it would for me only confirm the stupidity of this whole issue if this would turn out to be the reason. @DarkUFO: You're right.