May 20, 2017 - I've started using Google Sheets a lot lately. You can make a link straight to Google Sheets on your desktop or dock so that you can access it.
New > File Upload. • Choose the existing spreadsheet from your computer to add it to Drive. Supported files include.xls,.xlsx,.xlt,.ods,.csv,.tsv,.txt, • In Drive, right-click the spreadsheet you want to convert. • Select Open with and choose Google Sheets. When you convert your spreadsheet from another program, a copy of your original file is created in the Sheets format.
You can then edit it in your browser as you would with any other Sheet. Have an Excel spreadsheet? If you've already stored Microsoft ® Excel ® spreadsheets in Drive, you can also.
• Add rows, columns, and cells—Select a cell or block of cells. Then, on the menu bar, click Insert and choose where to add the row, column, or cells. • Delete or hide rows and columns—Right-click the row number or column letter and select Delete or Hide. • Delete a cell or a block of cells—Select the cells you want to delete. Click Edit > Delete cells and shift up, or Edit > Delete cells and shift left.
• Move rows and columns—Click the row number or column letter to select it. Then, drag it to a new location. • Freeze header rows and columns—Keep some data in the same place as you scroll through the rest of your spreadsheet. On the menu bar, click View >Quicken system requirements windows 10. Freeze and choose an option. Share a file you own or can edit: • Open the file you want to share.
• Click Share. • Enter the email addresses or Google Groups you want to share with.
Note: If you can't add people outside your company, see your G Suite administrator. • Choose what kind of access you want to give people: • Can edit—Collaborators can add and edit content, and add comments. • Can comment—Collaborators can add comments, but not edit content. Free audio software for mac like logic or pro tools.
• Can view—Collaborators can view the file, but not edit content or add comments. • Click Send. Everyone you shared with will receive an email with a link to the spreadsheet.