Hello, I'm using Specflow CI Box version 2.2.0-ci608 to be able to interact with the Feature Context on After/Before feature. It works fine on VS for Windows but on VS for Mac I get an exception after the AfterFeature. It does not fail my test but it interrupts the execution of the next Hook I have in code. I have something like this: BeforeFeatureMethod() BeforeFeatureMethod(FeatureContext context) AfterFeatureMethod(FeatureContext context) AfterFeatureMethod() AfterTestMethod() AfterTestRun() Once my test leaves AfterFeatureMethod(FeatureContext context) it doesn't go to AfterFeatureMethod(). It throws an error. Is that expected as is a not released version which will be fixed upon release or is a known issue that is not planned to be fixed?
Unfortunately, all I can see/get from VS on MAC is this: If there's any other info I can provide to help, please let me know. (not sure if this is the proper place to raise this issue, please let me know if not) Thanks in advance! Hello, I dug a little deeper into this after Specflow 2.2 was released.
' It is not possible to run UITests on iOS devices in Windows. You can only run UITests for iOS devices on Mac OS X.' Okay I want to run test on iOS offcourse so how will I run tests on mac while writing tests in visual studio because there is a project availbale in visual studio ios, I am bit confuse can someone clarify my doubts? Jun 14, 2016 - UITests running in Visual Studio and I thought it would be nice to run. Show the test explorer, which of course isn't under your typical View menu, but. Simply head over to the mac and checkout the test recorder on macOS!
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The issue is not related with context injection itself. Even using 'normal' hooks I can see the error. It happens when code goes from [AfterFeature] to [AfterTestRun] hooks. I created a dummy project to reproduce the error. Works fine on Windows VS but fails to execute the AfterTestRun on Mac Visual Studio.
Just add a breakpoint inside the AfterFeature hooks and see it won't go to AfterTestRun. Let me know if I can help on any other way (I'm also renaming the issue to proper fit the problem). So basically we can say that the AfterTestRun hook is not fired on VS+MAC. This is probably due to the fact that the test execution frameworks do not usually provide a way to hook for the end of the 'last' test.
Therefore SpecFlow subscribes to the AppDomain Unload event of the AppDomain that executes the test and fires the AfterTestRun hook. As it looks like, the test AppDomain handling is somewhat special on MAC and the AppDomain event is not fired. I don't think we can do to much for this on SpecFlow side. AfterFeature: unfortunately the very last AfterFeature is also called from the same event. So that won't help.
The problem is that whether there will be a next test is a decision of the test runner and this information is not passed in to the test execution. The only 'workaround' I see is to find a test runner framework (maybe xunit?) that support an 'after last test' event, so that SpecFlow could hook on it instead of the AppDomain event. Maybe SpecFlow+ Runner does this, but I am not sure (?).
Also maybe you can find a setting for the VS+MAC test runner that ensures a separate process or AppDomain. Maybe ask MS support?
This might be an external hard disk drive or some other large volume. To create a system image in Windows 7, open Start > Getting Started and then Back up your files. Windows 10 iso image for mac software. On the left-hand pane, click Create a system image, and select the destination. Multiple DVDs can be written to, if necessary, or if you have a Blu-ray writer, this should also be an option.
Set up and Install Visual Studio for Mac • • 3 minutes to read • Contributors • • • • • • In this article Requirements To start developing native, cross-platform apps when you download Visual Studio for Mac there are a couple of things that you must install and set up in preparation. For working with iOS in Visual Studio you need the following pieces: • a Mac with macOS Sierra 10.12 or above • Xcode 8.3 or above. The latest stable version is usually recommended. • An Apple ID. If you don't have an Apple ID already you can create a new one at. It's necessary to have an Apple ID for installing and signing into Xcode. Tip Visual Studio 2019 for Mac preview is for testing.