Best Answer: PC is better, Some will tell you to get a Mac for Fina Cut, i movie, GarageBand, Photo Booth but there are equivalents to these on Windows and Linux, just called something else. On Linux, you can get Cinelerra, Blender, Kino, etc. All for free. PC=Variety of specs, options, quality, prices. Mar 24, 2017 - I'm going to toss my hat into the ring of an age-old debate; Mac or PC? While many people will argue their opinion one way over the other, for.
Hi Darin I have been a Premiere user since the late 90's and in June of this year looked at upgrading to a new PC so I could edit EX1 HD footage and my PC supplier suggested I go with a Mac so I bought a MacPro 2x3.0Ghz and then changed my Adobe Master Suite to the Mac version for a nominal fee. It works great although the transitions are limited but I do not use many fancy ones. All my friends use FCP and I have been trying it but it has a terrible title maker plus I have yet to find a way to save a trimmed project (where media files are trimmed to within a few secs of what is used in the project) for archive use. I did not find it any problem using the Mac and it has been very stable but I only use it for Adobe work - I have a PC for general use (email, internet etc.) As a note my Mac sees and upload/download over my network to my PC's but my PC's do not see my Mac and I have not bothered to trouble shoot this.
The other reason I am trying FCP is that it works with the Matrox MXO so you can colour grade on a Apple Cinema Display - CS3 will not play realtime EX1 footage via the MXO and Matrox have withdrawn support for CS3 and the MXO. Hopefully Adobe and Matrox with make up and get it sorted out for CS4 James. Thanks James! Wow, you got the BIG MAC PRO! Awesome machine. Do you think a Macbook Pro 15' 2.4ghz can handle video editing with external drives? So you use Adobe Premier CS3 on your MAC?
Does it take long to load HDV projects? Currently on my quad pc, it takes very very long to load an HDV project. Thanks for the input! All that APPLE marketing has gotten to me. They look so cool!
Even on website.all the trainers use macpros and imacs to do their demos. Not once have i seen a pc being used.
Higher-end Mac computers, such as the Mac Pro or the MacBook Pro are designed with powerful graphics cards in order to handle graphics-intensive tasks such as graphic design, video editing and video gaming. The graphics cards vary from model to model, and there are even upgrades available within each model. PC computers have a wide range of graphics cards depending on their intended purpose.
As of February 2011, there are many graphics cards available for PCs that surpass the graphics capability of the best equipped Mac computers -- however high-end graphics cards in PCs are very expensive. In addition to needing a powerful graphics card, modern video games require fast processors to process in-game physics and artificial intelligence. PCs come with a wide range of graphics cards. As of February 2011, these vary from single-core to six-core processors with up to 3.3 GHz speeds.
PC users can also overclock certain processors for even higher speeds. Mac computers, particularly the Mac Pro, also have capable processors. The Mac Pro series is available with up to 12 cores at 3.33 GHz for a massive amount of computational power. That kind of power comes at a price; the base Mac Pro price is $2499 as of February 2011. Video games constantly require faster hardware and new technology in order to run at their best.
Some computers can be upgraded in parts to keep up with technology instead of having to replace the entire computer. Most laptops, whether they are Mac or PC, only support hard drive and memory upgrades. The processor and graphics card, which are most vital for gaming performance, are not upgradable.
Don't ask us to compare or recommend products. How to find the mac address for samsung smart tv. Do not compare or recommend products. Keep all communication public, on the subreddit. We are not a review site.
Mac computers with a custom form factor, such as the iMac or the Mac mini, also do not have upgradeable processors or graphics cards. As of February 2011, the Mac Pro is the only Mac computer than can upgrade these components and add other new components using PCI slots. By contrast, nearly all desktop PCs have multiple PCI slots for upgrading their components and graphics cards to extend the computer's usable lifetime.