How to create a desktop shortcut to a webpage (Chrome/Mac OS) This video shows how to create a desktop shortcut to a webpage. The steps are: 1. Launch Chrome 2. Navigate to the webpage you want to.

Osx change default media player. Chrome Version: 21.0.1180.79 OS Version: OS X 10.7.4 What steps will reproduce the problem? Open devtools, either right click - Inspect Element or Ctrl + Shift + I (attached to the window) 2. Focus on something in the website your browsing, e.g. Select some text.

With focus on the website there is no keyboard shortcut to move focus to the developer console, and hence no keyboard shortcuts for the developer console works () What is the expected result? A keyboard shortcut should exist that focus the developer console. What happens instead? No way of focusing the developer console. UserAgentString: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_4) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.79 Safari/537.1. Processing This feature would definitely be nice. There is also no way to focus from the console to the webpage if you're using the keyboard to navigate Chrome (with an extension such as Vimium).

As the previous comment mentions, hitting ctrl + shift + c (or cmd + shift + c on Mac) twice will focus from the webpage into an already open dev tools console. I haven't tested it enough to know if it always works or intermittently fails as is mentioned above.

For focusing from dev tools console to a web page, the only solution I found was from a stack overflow post (). First, you can hit cmd + L to move focus to Chrome's omnibox. Then, typing in javascript: and hitting enter will move focus to the web page and allow for keyboard navigation via Vimium. The javascript: command can be shortened to j by setting a search engine shortcut in Chrome preferences (see stack overflow post for more information).

• Continue: F8 or Command- / (forward slash) on Mac or Control- / (forward slash) on other platforms. • Step over: F10 or Command- ' (apostrophe) on Mac or Control- ' (apostrophe) on other platforms. • Step into: F11 or Command-; (semi-colon) on Mac or Control-; (semi-colon); on other platforms. • Step out: Shift- F11 or Shift- Command-; (semi-colon) on Mac or Shift- Control-; (semi-colon) on other platforms. • Next call frame: Control-.

(period) on all platforms. • Previous call frame: Control-, (comma) on all platforms. This can be accomplished with as well. The keymap for a full-sized keyboard looks like: CHROME CHROMEDEBUGGINGKEY This maps the F13, F14 and F15 keys to Chrome debugging keys private.swap_chrome_to_debug_settings CHROME __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::F13, KeyCode::F8 __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::F14, KeyCode::F10 __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::F15, KeyCode::SEMICOLON, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::F16, KeyCode::SEMICOLON, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, ModifierFlag::SHIFT_L.