When you do this, Visual Studio Code creates a directory and a file '.vscode launch.json' in the root of your workspace folder. This is where your debug configuration is stored. If your files are in a Git repository, you typically want to commit the launch.json file.
What a wonderful time to be developer. I'm down here at the BUILD Conference in San Francisco and Microsoft has just launched Visual Studio Code - a code-optimized editor for Windows, Mac, and Linux and a. (I call it VSCode, myself) is a new free developer tool. It's a code editor, but a very smart one. It's cross-platform, built with TypeScript and Electron, and runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Visual Studio Code has syntax highlighting for dozens of languages, the usual suspects like CoffeeScript, Python, Ruby, Jade, Clojure, Java, C++, R, Go, makefiles, shell scripts, PowerShell, bat, xml, you get the idea. It has more than just autocomplete (everyone has that, eh?) it has real IntelliSense.
It also as IntelliSense for single files like HTML, CSS, LESS, SASS, and Markdown. IMHO, the real power of this editor is its project IntelliSense for C#, TypeScript, JavaScript/node, JSON, etc. Boxplot in excel 2016 for mac. For example, when an ASP.NET 5 application is being edited in Visual Studio Code, the IntelliSense is provided by the open source projects. This means you get actual intelligent refactoring, navigation, and lots more.
Visual Studio Code's support for TypeScript is amazing because it has JavaScript. Visual Studio Code has git support, diffs, interesting extensibility models through gulp, and is is a great debugger for JavaScript and Nodejs apps.
They are also working on debugging support for things like the.NET Core CLR and Mono on all platforms. This a code-focused and code-optimized lightweight tool, not a complete IDE. There's no File New Project or visual designers. If you live and work in the command line, you'll want to check free tool out.
You can download Visual Studio Code now at. They'll be blogging at and you can email them feedback at and follow them at. And check the the to get started. Also note the docs for support. Visual Studio Code is a preview today, but it's going to move FAST.
It automatically updates and will be updating in weeks, not months. And here's some screenshots of Visual Studio Code because it's awesome. Code what you like, how you like, on what you like, and you can run it all (by the way) in Azure.;) Have fun! Sponsor: Big thanks to the folks over at Grape City for sponsoring the feed this week. Provides amazing development tools to enhance and extend application functionality. Whether it is.NET, HTML5/JavaScript, Reporting or Spreadsheets, they’ve got you covered. Of ComponentOne Studio, ActiveReports, Spread and Wijmo.
I emailed my first question to vscodefeedback@microsoft.com but the message was rejected by their email system. So I will post the same question here in the hopes that someone can answer. Just learned about VSCode, which I was excited to install since I am a Mac user. I have a TypeScript file in the VSCode editor, which I can compile successfully using the command line tsc to produce JavaScript. How can I compile it in VSCode? Doing shift command B does not seem to generate updated JavaScript to correspond to the updated TypeScript. I don't see any 'build' on the menu bar or anything else that would tell me how to compile the TypeScript.
What am I missing? Heya Scott, When you mention 'If you live and work in the command line, you'll want to check free tool out.' , are you saying the editor should be able to be launched from the command line also? I installed it on my Mac (by doing the usual drag to Application folder) and looked under the hook to see if it featured a command line binary I could link to my bin folder and to my surprise I learned it was actually under there:D When lanching from my terminal here I get a stack trace with a message saying: 2015-04-30 02:52:45.836 code[2001] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Could not automatically determine the current application's identifier'. Definitely awesome and nice to see Microsoft moving further toward supporting development on other than Windows platforms. And I definitely like the look of VSCode so far.
A bit 'atom shellish' - but that's ok IMHO. I do think it unfortunate that the tutorial accompanying the announcement - creating an ASP.Net 5 app on the Mac - does not work as-is. When trying to follow that example, I get repeated exceptions when running the web app via kestrel and trying to view the page on localhost:5001. Turns out to be a well-known issue on Macs with Mono. I was able to get round the problem by setting: export MONO_MANAGED_WATCHER=false And then it ran just fine. My point, if i have one, is that the first run for a new tool on a new platform, for MSFT, should not be failing due to a pre-existing and well known issue. At least not without clear guidance on the VSCode site to that effect.