» » Formatting Charts Formatting Charts in Excel Once you create a chart it's easy to format and enhance your chart using Excel's menus and commands. To change chart style in Excel, simply right click or double click on the chart item you want to format to view the formatting options for that item.

Learn 200+ Excel shortcuts (Mac and PC) with this easily searchable list. Excel Shortcuts List for Mac and PC (Searchable) This App is not compatible with Smartphones and Tablets. Answer: Select the cells that you wish to draw the border around. Right-click and then select 'Format Cells' from the popup menu. When the Format Cells window appears, select the Border tab.

Just a few of the chart items you can format are: • • • • If you are using QI Macros with Excel 2007, view our. Chart Titles, Axis Titles, and Data Labels TO CHANGE TEXT: To change the title, axis or data label text, click once on the text box to highlight it, then click again to place your cursor within the text box. Note: don't double click on the title; this will open the formatting box and text cannot be modified there. TO CHANGE TITLE APPEARANCE: Right click on the title or data label you want to format and select Format, or double click.

By using the SHIFT and/or the CTRL keys you can select non-contiguous ranges. However, if you select a cell or area by mistake, there is no built in way to remove that from the selection without losing the entire selection and having to start over. Describes to VBA procedures, UnSelectActiveCell and UnSelectCurrentArea that will remove the Active Cell or the Area containing the Active Cell from the current selection. All other cells in the Selection will remain selected. Your best bet would be to add these to your Personal Macro workbook so that they are available to all open workbooks in Excel. This procedure will remove the Active Cell from the Selection.

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Sub UnSelectActiveCell() Dim R As Range Dim RR As Range For Each R In Selection.Cells If StrComp(R.Address, ActiveCell.Address, vbBinaryCompare) 0 Then If RR Is Nothing Then Set RR = R Else Set RR = Application.Union(RR, R) End If End If Next R If Not RR Is Nothing Then RR.Select End If End Sub This procedure will remove the Area containing the Active Cell from the Selection. Sub UnSelectCurrentArea() Dim Area As Range Dim RR As Range For Each Area In Selection.Areas If Application.Intersect(Area, ActiveCell) Is Nothing Then If RR Is Nothing Then Set RR = Area Else Set RR = Application.Union(RR, Area) End If End If Next Area If Not RR Is Nothing Then RR.Select End If End Sub. A more robust way for deselecting multiple cells is described in this. It does include an extra prompt, but you can deselect an arbitrary number of cells/selections at once (instead of deselecting only the active cell or area) I'm posting the script here, with a small usability improvement (conditionally removed the redundant first prompt from the original post): Sub DeselectCells() Dim rng As Range Dim InputRng As Range Dim DeleteRng As Range Dim result As Range xTitleId = 'Deselect Cells' Set InputRng = Application.Selection If InputRng.Count.