EndNote for MAC users Add references Toggle Dropdown. Creating an EndNote library. Select the required reference(s) in EndNote and click Insert Selected Citation(s) in Powerpoint to insert citation(s) on slides as required. In Endnote Online there is a plug-in to Microsoft Word – Cite While You Write (CWYW) – to be used for inserting citations in the text while you write. Make sure your Office package for Mac has the latest updates!
Cite-While-You-Write (CWYW) EndNote comes with Cite-While-You-Write (CWYW), a utility that allows you to insert references into a Word document to create in-text citations and a bibliography in a specific output style (such as APA, JAMA, Chicago). When you install EndNote onto your computer, Cite-While-You-Write will also be integrated within Microsoft Word. Please note that the Microsoft Word program must be closed in order to successfully install Cite-While-You-Write! Inserting citations into a Word Document An EndNote library must be open before inserting citations.
To insert citations, you can either: • In MS Word, select Tools >> EndNote >> Find Citation(s). Search for references in any open EndNote library. Select citations >> Insert. • Go into your EndNote library, select reference(s) from your list and select the insert citation into Word icon from the toolbar. This will insert the reference(s) into your Word document. In addition to creating in-text citation, EndNote will insert a bibliography at the end of the document based on the style you have selected.
To select or change the output style, use the output style pull-down menu located in Word under the EndNote tools on Word. Creating Separate Bibliography for Sections Within a Word Document First, in your Word document, you want to be sure insert a break to separate each section.
To insert a break inbtween sections, go to “Page Layout” on the tool ribbon and select “Breaks.” Under “Breaks”, choose the specific type of break you want to have between sections (i.e., “Next Page,” “Even Page,” “Odd Page,” etc.) Second, in EndNote, you need to modify a citation style so that it can create a bibliography at the end of each section. To do this: • Go to: Edit >> Output Styles >>Open Style Manager >> highlight the style you want (for example, APA 6 th ) and hit the “Edit” button • On the left-side of the screen, select “Sections.” Check the button for “Create a bibliography for each section.” Close out of the window, and when prompted, re-name the style (for example, “APA 6 th _sections”) When you installed EndNote on your computer, it automatically create an EndNote tool ribbon in Word. Inthe EndnOte tool ribbon, the citation style currently selected will be displayed in the 'Style' pull-down menu. To select the style you just modified, choose “Select Another Style” from the pull-down menu and choose the style you just modified (i.e., “APA 6 th _sections”).
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You will now be able to insert in-text citations in each section of your Word document and have a bibliography at the end of each section. Inserting Figures with Captions The first step to inserting figures with captions into a Word document using Cite-While-You is to create an EndNote reference for the figure.
Step 1: Creating an EndNote for a Figure: • From the command bar at the top of the EndNote screen, select References >> New Reference. • In the Reference Type pull-down menu, select Figure. Be sure to: • give the figure a title. • attach the figure by scrolling down to the field labeled Figure and then right-clicking in order to select Figure >>Attach Figure. When promtped, browse for and select the figure you want to attach.
• include a caption for the figure by completing the Caption field. Step 2: Inserting Figures into a Word Document: • In your Word document, go to the EndNote tools and select Find Figures. Search for title of the figure. • Select figure and select Insert. The figure and associated caption will be inserted in the Word document.