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We have a Mac OS tower with 2 ethernet NICs, en0 and en2. We need to build an FTP server that provides access to the Internet on en2, and to the LAN on en0. En0 has the IP

Mar 17, 2014  Needless to say I have Wake on LAN enabled in the BIOS (and Erp is disabled) and 'Wake for Ethernet network access' enabled under System Preferences->Energy Saving. To rule out any malfunction in the Bonjour services that support Wake on Demand (what I initially thought was messed up), I tried sending magic Wake on LAN packets to the machine. Dec 03, 2004  I have observed 2 odd behaviors of my iMac when I attempt to wake it from sleep by sending it the wake-on-LAN magic packet to the ethernet port. 'Calendars could not be synced due to inconsistent data' in Mac OS X 10.5. 'Wake On LAN' - Wake from power off or sleep only? Wake on LAN or Wake for Ethernet network administrator access.

En2 has the IP The outside IP is x.x.x.x. What's happening is that when en0 is plugged into the LAN, the FTP server is unreachable. But when en0 is unplugged, the FTP server becomes reachable. We need en0 so that computers on the LAN can upload to the file server over the high-speed network.

We think that we need a static route that forces Internet traffic only through en2. I've tried this: route -nv add -net -interface en0. But it returned the error statement that this file already exists. I've checked out this link: If someone could shed some light on the static route that would solve the problem, we'd appreciate it.

The LAN Subnet seem the same subnet with the en0 subnet, so It can't be the DMZ-type setup, and if it the same for the LAN Subnet and the box's en0 subnet, when you remove the default gateway for en0, it will not affect the working from LAN boxes (screen sharing, file sharing). Imac pro for video editing. In this case, can you give me the output of netstat -rn.

Now for the action, For the examples if your network is defined here (I assume the real LAN subnet): LAN subnet ( -----> FW)- Router -------> Internet then you can remove the default gateway from your en0 and add this command to test before make the permanent route: (sudo) route add -net

Advertisement So you want to have your machines go to sleep when they are not working and then be able to remotely connect to them and have them automagically respond? This is cross platform and can potentially work on any computer. The computers can be in a totally powered off state (but still connected to the power outlet) and woken up all the way to a simple stand-by mode. This is called Wake On LAN. According to, Wake-on-LAN is an Ethernet computer networking standard that allows a computer to be turned on or woken up by a message. The message is usually sent by a simple program executed on another computer on the local area network. Wake-on-LAN is also known as Wake on LAN, WOL, or sometimes WoL.