By: David Rivers course • 5h 7m 36s • 3,701 viewers • Course Transcript - Welcome to Up and Running with Word for Mac 2016. I'm Nick Brazzi.
This course is for users who have never used Office 2016 for Mac and want to quickly get running with the most common day-to-day functionality in Microsoft Word. We'll start with a tour of the Word interface so that you're aware of the different windows and controls that you'll need to work in Word.
We'll talk about the various ways to create a new document, whether you want a blank document, or start from a template, and we'll see the options for saving documents and opening existing documents. Then, over the next few movies we'll build a document.
If you use Microsoft Office 2016 with a Mac computer, you can easily import addresses or other data from an Excel spreadsheet or from your Apple Contacts and place them onto Avery labels, name.
Starting from a chunk of basic text, we'll get the text and the document formatted so that it will have a nice, organized layout. We'll talk about inserting and formatting pictures, as well as other objects like tables and graphs. I'll also talk about the Track Changes feature, which will let multiple users edit a document and share those changes with other people before • Practice while you learn with exercise files.