Processor More power at its cores. With eighth-generation Intel Core processors, MacBook Pro reaches new heights in compute performance. The 15‑inch model now features a 6‑core Intel Core i9 processor that works up to 70 percent faster than the previous generation, enabling up to 4.8GHz Turbo Boost speeds. And a quad‑core processor on the 13‑inch MacBook Pro with Touch Bar now makes it up to twice as fast as the previous generation. So when you’re powering through pro‑level processing jobs like compiling code, rendering 3D models, adding special effects, layering multiple tracks, or encoding video, you’ll get everything done.
Graphics Eye-opening graphics performance. MacBook Pro features a Radeon Pro discrete GPU in every 15‑inch model, combining impressive power with remarkable power efficiency.
Issue: This article provides the system requirements for Autodesk® AutoCAD for Mac 2017.
And now we’ve paired each discrete GPU with 4GB of GDDR5 memory standard, giving you fluid, real‑time performance for pro tasks like rendering 3D titles in Final Cut Pro X. The 13‑inch model with Touch Bar features powerful integrated graphics with 128MB of embedded DRAM — twice as much as the previous generation — which accelerates graphics tasks. That means more time for what matters most — creating amazing work. Radeon Pro Vega graphics. The 15-inch MacBook Pro now offers Radeon Pro Vega GPU options — the first discrete mobile Vega GPUs in a notebook.
Featuring the same graphics architecture used in iMac Pro, Vega delivers an enhanced compute engine and utilizes High Bandwidth Memory (HBM2). HBM2 doubles the memory bandwidth to the GPU while doing so at considerably lower power, so more of the graphics power budget can be used by the GPU itself. The result is significantly faster graphics performance — up to 60 percent faster than the Radeon Pro 560X — for tackling demanding video, 3D, rendering, and compute workloads.
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Blackmagic eGPU and eGPU Pro Desktop-class graphics without the desktop. Blackmagic Design has created two external GPUs (eGPUs) ideal for MacBook Pro. So you can have desktop-class graphics performance without giving up the portability of a notebook.
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Housed in an all-in-one aluminum enclosure, Blackmagic eGPUs are powerful yet quiet, charge your Mac using Thunderbolt 3, and have built-in I/O connections to drive both a Thunderbolt 3 display and VR accessories simultaneously. Choose the Blackmagic eGPU to accelerate pro apps and enjoy supersmooth gaming or the Blackmagic eGPU Pro for the ultimate workstation-class graphics performance for your pro app workflows and VR content creation. Apple T2 Security Chip The next generation of security. Introducing the Apple T2 Security Chip — second‑generation custom Mac silicon designed by Apple to make MacBook Pro even more secure. Featured on the 13- and 15‑inch models with Touch Bar, the Apple T2 Security Chip includes a Secure Enclave coprocessor that provides the foundation for secure boot and encrypted storage capabilities. It also consolidates many discrete controllers, including the system management controller, audio controller, and SSD controller, into one.