Only one thing you should keep in mind. How to turn on autosave in word for mac 2016.
My Microsoft word for microsoft office has a backgroung colour problem. Everytime I open a document into it, the colour turns blue; which is not very to read from and definetely not the original background colour.
Excel for mac 2011 requirements. In Microsoft Word, to get into Outline view, click View at the top of the window and then click the Outline icon. If you want to get out of Outline view, click on any of the other available views, like Print Layout.
I tried to change it from the format menu and select backgound but it keeps doing that all the time. Could you please tell me how can I restore the original colours. Believe it or not, I think you’ve actually found a feature of Microsoft Word, not some sort of bug in your documents or computer. For legibility sake, Word allows you to specify white text on a blue background in addition to the more common black text against a white background. Obviously, you don’t want to leave it setup that way, so let me show you how to change it in Microsoft Word for the Mac – it’s basically the same for the Windows version of Word too.
Start up Microsoft Word and go to Preferences (on the PC it’s “Options”), then click on the General option. The choices look like this: The third option down, “blue background, white text”, is what you have accidentally checked. Simply uncheck it, click Okay and your document — and future documents you open in Microsoft Word — should be back to normal. Notice a few more options here too: “Show Project Gallery at startup” is one that many Word users are delighted to turn off once they’ve gotten the hang of using the program, and “WYSIWYG font and styles menus” can make it quite a bit easier to work with complex styles in particular, but it’s also cool for fonts too. Hope that gets you back with Word.