Luckily particleIllusion comes with a full online tutorial to guide through every step and help you really become familiar with the program. Although a little counterintuitive, particleIllusion is a great tool with over 1500 particle effects to add to your video or image.

May 24, 2016 Q. I am not sure the differences between your products. Which do I choose? A. Turn off hyperlinks in word for mac. With the Mocha Pro 5 release we have simplified our offering. Choose from the Mocha Proplug-in or standalone options. The compare products chart shows the differences between Mocha Pro 5 and the Adobe & HitFilm bundled Mocha products (Mocha AE / Mocha HitFilm).

Do I need the standalone or the plug-in option? The standalone and the plug-in option share an almost identical feature set and the ability to export tracking and roto data to most popular formats. February 19, 2016 What are the advantages of Soundbite over products that create a transcript? Boris Soundbite does not create a transcript. The process of making audio searchable in Soundbite is referred to as Indexing. The indexing process generates a record of the sounds in the audio - known as phonemes - and stores this information on your computer.

Rather than making decisions about the words that are spoken at the time the audio is indexed - resulting in a transcript - Soundbite locates areas in the audio that sound exactly like or similar to the words or phrase being searched. May 27, 2015 Subject: Title 3D Crashing Issue: Title 3D crashing Final Cut Pro when applying, launching or rendering.

Steps to work around the issue: 1. Quit Final Cut Pro and go to this location in the Finder -Macintosh HD:: Users:: [ Current User/Home ]:: Library**:: Preferences 2. Inside this location, delete the file that reads: “com.borisfx.Title 3D” 3. Inside the same Preferences folder, enter the Final Cut Pro User Data directory and delete these two files: ʻFinal Cut Pro Obj Cacheʼ & ʻFinal Cut Pro Prof Cacheʼ After this, re-launch Final Cut Pro and Title 3D should be operational again. May 27, 2015 Subject: BCC Suddenly Having Problems On Windows Issue: My BCC Is Suddenly Experiencing Problems On My Windows System; Reinstalling Does Not Help Cause: Recent Changes, Manual Or Automated, Have Caused A Corruption in BCCʼs Behavioral Protocols How to Get Around the Issue: 1. Close your Host NLE/Compositor program and go into this directory - C: Users [Current User] AppData* Local BorisFX 2.

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Inside here, you will see a folder for Boris Continuum Complete -- send this folder to the Recycle Bin and re-launch your NLE/Compositor program. May 27, 2015 Subject: M100 Errors -39 and -2048 Issue: When Working In Media 100, Suddenly I Am Seeing Errors That Read Error Code -39 and/or -2048 How to Get Around the Issue: These two errors will come up, usually together, when there is a problem with Quicktime playback. To clarify the nature of these messages: Error -2048 is actually a Quicktime error, not a Media 100 error, stating that a clip cannot be loaded; Error -39 is the same error, just using a Media 100 numerical code, relaying the same problem.