Shared Secret — The tunnel passphrase you set in the firewall device for the IPsec Mobile VPN configuration; Group Name — The group name you chose in the firewall for the Mobile VPN with IPSec configuration; Select the Show VPN status in menu bar check box to add the VPN status icon to the OS X menu bar. Click Connect to start the VPN tunnel.
1 Configuring an IPsec VPN to provide ios devices with secure, remote access to the network This recipe uses the IPsec VPN Wizard to provide a group of remote ios users with secure, encrypted access to the corporate network. The tunnel provides group members with access to the internal network, but forces them through the FortiGate unit when accessing the Internet. This recipe was tested using an ipad 2 running ios version Creating a user group for ios users 2. Adding a firewall address for the local LAN 3. Configuring IPsec VPN using the IPsec VPN Wizard 4. Creating security policies for access to the internal network and the Internet 5.
Configuring VPN on the ios device 6. Results FortiGate WAN Internet IPsec Local LAN Remote User (ipad) Internal Network Configuring an IPsec VPN to provide ios devices with secure, remote access to the network 1 2 Creating a user group for ios users Go to User & Device > User > User Definition. Create a new user. Go to User & Device > User > User Groups.
Create a user group for ios users and add the user you created. Adding a firewall address for the local LAN Go to Firewall Objects > Address > Addresses.
Add the address for the local network, including the Subnet/IP Range and local Interface. 2 The FortiGate Cookbook 5.2 3 Configuring the IPsec VPN using the IPsec VPN Wizard Go to VPN > IPSec > Wizard. Name the VPN connection and select Dial Up - ios (Native) and click Next. Set the Incoming Interface to the internet-facing interface.
Select Pre-shared Key for the Authentication Method. Enter a pre-shared key and select the ios user group, then click Next. The pre-shared key is a credential for the VPN and should differ from the user s password. Configuring an IPsec VPN to provide ios devices with secure, remote access to the network 3 4 Select your Internet-facing interface for the Local Interface and select your local network for the Local Address. Enter an IP range for VPN users in the Client Address Range field.
The IP range you enter here prompts FortiOS to create a new firewall object for the VPN tunnel using the name of your tunnel followed by the _range suffix (in this case, iosvpn_native_range). Creating security policies for access to the internal network and the Internet Go to Policy & Objects > Policy > IPv4.
Create a security policy allowing remote ios users to access the internal network. For Destination Address, ensure that you select the firewall object automatically created in the previous step. Go back to Policy & Objects > Policy > IPv4.
Create a security policy allowing remote ios users to access the Internet securely through the FortiGate unit. Ensure that you enable NAT. 4 The FortiGate Cookbook 5.2. 5 Configuring VPN on the ios device On the ipad, go to Settings > General > VPN and select Add VPN Configuration. Enter the VPN address, user account, and password in their relevant fields.
Sync google contacts with outlook. Contacts and Calendars: This feature is available for users on O365 Subscription. On build number 0902 and higher you can sync contacts and calendar with Outlook for Mac 2016 but first you need to add the account to Outlook.
Enter the pre-shared key in the Secret field. Results On the FortiGate unit, go to VPN > Monitor > IPsec Monitor and view the status of the tunnel. Users on the internal network will be accessible using the ios device. Go to Log & Report > Traffic Log > Forward Traffic to view the traffic.