Codehenge - Who built it, and why? A blog about software, technology, and more Installing Redis on Mac OSX 08 Jul 2012 on open source and programming In this post, I'll show you how to install, a popular NoSQL database, on your OSX machine. For those unaware, Redis is described on its project site as: an open source, advanced key-value store. It is often referred to as a data structure server since keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets. The great thing about Redis is that it uses an in-memory data set, making it incredibly fast at I/O.
To clear all redis keys. Flushall To exit redis interactive console. Exit To set a new instance of redis, all you need is a new redis config file, start redis with that config file and you will have a second redis instance up and running. Copy the default redis config file that is used for the default redis instance.
This can be handy in a lot of situations, but I'll go into more detail on its uses in another post. To install Redis on your machine, we first have to get the latest source. This is easily done using wget. Games like feral heart and wolfquest for mac. [13193 ] 07 Jul 21:34:25 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use 'redis-server /path/to/redis.conf' [13193 ] 07 Jul 21:34:25 * Server started, Redis version 2.4.15 [13193 ] 07 Jul 21:34:25 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 6379 [13193 ] 07 Jul 21:34:25 - 0 clients connected ( 0 slaves ), 922304 bytes in use Good, the server is running. You see in the above messages that redis is operating in a default configuration.
This is usually find for development, but for production needs, you will want to specify a config file. You can do this by including the path to the config file as an input parameter, such as.
Sudo /sbin/chkconfig redis-sentinel on sudo /sbin/chkconfig redis-sentinel off NOTE: redis-sentinel service scripts are not installed by default and should only be used with. Verify that Redis is working Once you have installed and started the Redis service, you should be able to confirm that Redis is ready to use by running the command: redis-cli ping. If you get a PONG response, you are ready to move on to the next step in the guide. Set file descriptor limits NOTE: for the most part, Redis should “just work” without needing to tune Linux file descriptor limits, however this configuration may become necessary in cases where Redis is being used as the or in other high performance environments. Even with tuning, Redis Transport is NOT recommended in production! By default, most Linux operating systems will limit the maximum number of file handles a single process is allowed to have open to 1024.
We recommend adjusting this number to 65536 for running Redis in production systems, and at least 4096 for development environments. According to the Redis documentation on client handling, regarding the: In Redis 2.4 there was an hard-coded limit about the maximum number of clients that was possible to handle simultaneously. In Redis 2.6 this limit is dynamic: by default is set to 10000 clients, unless otherwise stated by the maxclients directive in /etc/redis/redis.conf. However Redis checks with the kernel what is the maximum number of file descriptors that we are able to open (the soft limit is checked), if the limit is smaller than the maximum number of clients we want to handle, plus 32 (that is the number of file descriptors Redis reserves for internal uses), then the number of maximum clients is modified by Redis to match the amount of clients we are really able to handle under the current operating system limit.
When Redis is configured in order to handle a specific number of clients it is a good idea to make sure that the operating system limit to the maximum number of file descriptors per process is also set accordingly. To adjust this limit, please edit the configuration file found at /etc/default/redis by uncommenting the last line in the file, and adjusting the ulimit value accordingly. [ 41422 ] 23 Jan 11:28:33.179 # Unable to set the max number of files limit to 100032 (Invalid argument ), setting the max clients configuration to 10112.