Site one: With this site you upload a Microsoft publisher file and the site automatically converts it and then you download it via your Safari web browser as a PDF file. Click on the browse button and upload your publisher file.

The file will automatically download as a safari download. Photoshop starburst brushes for machine Click on the download and it will open in preview and you can print it.

This has Google ads along the right hand sidebar so I assume it is funded by Google advertising. Site two: This site is similar. Drag your file on this icon to upload it. When the orange download box appears, click on it.

This can take a few minutes for large files. This second site doesn’t have any advertising. I have tested both these sites and they both worked for the file I was converting which was a four-page document including text and images. I couldn’t see that one site worked any better than the other.


Swift Publisher. Swift Publisher is an easy-to-use page layout and desktop publishing app for Mac. This software provides all you need for creating impressive and professional-looking documents such as flyers, brochures, catalogs, magazines, booklets, newsletters, calendars, posters, menus, cards, Facebook and Twitter covers and many more. Adobe

Although the Mac platform is growing in popularity, Windows systems and programs are still among the most commonly used in many businesses today. While Microsoft makes versions of some programs for the Mac platform, other programs, such as Microsoft Publisher, are not supported on the Mac platform. One solution to this problem is to install a Windows-emulator or virtual machine, a program that runs within your Mac operating system and mimics the behavior of the Windows environment. The Microsoft Publisher installation and program files must be saved to your Mac's hard drive when running an emulator or virtual machine.