According to Apple, manual disk permission repair isn’t necessary anymore. MacOS High Sierra and Sierra (and Mac OS X El Capitan) repair file permissions automatically during software updates. Improved file integrity starting with El Capitan and expanded in macOS Sierra, apparently makes manual disk permissions obsolete.
I’m running CC 2015 (latest patch) and OS X Sierra and the copy/paste function is completely broken. Copying in illustrator, then switching to another app (photoshop, indesign) will crash the “copied from” app as soon as I paste to the “copy to” app. And the “copy to” app spins for a while, then pops an error message stating there is nothing on the clipboard to paste. I’m thinking it has something to do with the awesome “universal clipboard”, because that’s totally needed, as I’m seeing the behavior with other non-Adobe apps as well. Office suite for example.
Milk Toast This has been discussed recently on the Adobe forums here But the gist of it is – if the panels that are slow to open (they open eventually but take quite a while) then there is something else that you may like to try. Open Activity Monitor and quite the ‘fontd’ process.
This is something that has been causing problems for Indesign CS6 for some years now. So quit Indesign, open Activity Monitor and quit ‘fontd’, then relaunch Indesign. It should be back to full speed. Electromagnetic fields pdf. You could also look at whether you might have duplicate fonts in your system.
Since Mavericks this has also been the cause of this sort of behaviour in Indesign. Steve Jenks THANK YOU!!! After updating to High Sierra 10.13.6, my InDesign panels were so slow and buggy I could barely get them to open up. One click would open, “spin the wheel”, then close the panel! I followed the suggestion I had read on some previous posts to UPDATE JAVA and that HELPED. When I clicked a panel it would open and “spin the wheel” for several seconds but at least it would open. Thank you Steve for the suggestion to open Activity Monitor and quit “fontd”.
Now I am back to full speed. Chrome driver download for mac.