If you have just installed Outlook 2011 it will show in your Dock. If you see a Welcome to Outlook screen, click Add Account. Otherwise click Tools > Accounts > Add Account from the Apple Menu bar. Click on 'Accounts' tab across top of pop-up window. Click on the Account that you want to update in the left column. Make sure the sub-tab 'Account Information' is highlighted (if not, click on it). How to configure a verizon pop3 account in outlook 2011 for mac mac.
Enable right and left click for mouse in mac os sierra free. Typically the inability to click occurs all of a sudden, where the mouse still moves around on the screen, but the user can’t click, and when a click on the trackpad or mouse is pressed, nothing is registered.
1 Quicken 2019 for Windows imports data from Quicken for Windows 2010 or newer, Microsoft Money 2008 and 2009 (for Deluxe and higher). Quicken 2019 for Mac imports data from Quicken for Windows 2010 or newer, Quicken for Mac 2015 or newer, Quicken for Mac 2007, Quicken Essentials for Mac.
No matter which version of the software you use, Quicken provides a handy format for tracking real estate investments such as income property. By using the Quicken software for this recordkeeping, you can prepare summaries of income and expenses by property for monitoring your individual real estate investments. You can also easily complete the Schedule E income tax form you use (or make it easier for your tax accountant to prepare your Schedule E tax form). Moreover, if you set up asset accounts for each of the individual real estate properties you hold and then use these to record both capital improvements and any depreciation, you can easily calculate any gains or losses stemming from the sale of a piece of real estate. This short discussion, therefore, describes the basics of how you do this in any version of the Quicken software. However, an important note: If you have the budget and can use the Quicken Rental Property Manager program (the most expensive version of Quicken), you don’t need to follow the instructions given here.
You can simply use the Rental Property Manager’s wizards to step you through the process. Describing Your Real Estate Holdings To track income and expense by individual real estate property, you need to do two things: • Set up the income and expense categories needed to describe this income and expense. You should use the same income and expense categories that show on your Schedule E tax form. • Set up a class for each individual real estate property, and then, whenever you categorize an income or expense item for a particular property, identify the property by providing the class. (Note that if you have only a single real estate investment and you know for certain that you’ll never add another real estate investment to your portfolio, you don’t need to set up classes.) Both tasks are described in the paragraphs that follow. Setting Up Categories for Real Estate Investments Depending on what you told Quicken when you installed it, Quicken may already have the categories you need on its category list.
However, if Quicken doesn’t already have the categories you need, you easily add them. To set up categories for tracking the income and deductions related to your real estate investments, start Quicken and follow these steps: • Choose the Lists → Category List command to display the Category List window.
• Click the Add Category command button to display the Set Up Category dialog box. • Use the Category Name text box to provide a brief name for income or deduction item. For example, if you’re setting up a category to track a property manager’s expense, you might use the category name “Manager.” • Use the Income or Expense option button to mark the new category as one that tracks either income or expense. • If you need to describe the category in additional detail, use the optional Description text box. Quicken adds the new category to the list shown in the Category List window.