I have the infamous Linksys WUSB600n v2 which needs additional configuration in its Info.plist file in the kext itself. To install for the Linksys WUSB600n v2 follow the instructions on the PDF, to remove any traces of previous driver installations. • Open the uninstaller package file, let it do it's thing and then restart your CustoMac • When rebooting be on the safe side and use the -f (ignore kernel cache command) on the Chimera boot loader to flush out any traces of the old kext.
It's Ralink/Mediatek MT7601 usb wifi dongle. Can I use it on my. Please tell me this hardware has any driver/kext for sierra? Can I use it? Ralink Utility User Guide/PC/MAC Connecting through Ralink Utility Before you can access the Ralink Utility, please connect the Powerlink USB adapter to your computer, and disable your previous WiFi adapter which is built-in on your computer. Clicking the Ralink icon on your desktop will bring up the utility main window.
• Once booted open the installer app but don't restart once propted • Navigate to ~/System/Library/Extensions and go to RT870USBWirelessDriver.kext • Right-click and select show package contents • Open the contents folder and Copy the Info.plist file to the desktop • backup the current.kext file for safe measure • Open the file in your text editor of choice • Command+F and find linksys go past the second entry and copy/paste the code right underneath it. Code: Linksys - RT2870 - 3 CFBundleIdentifier com.Ralink.driver.RT2870USBWirelessDriver IOClass RT2870USBWirelessDriver IOProviderClass IOUSBDevice idProduct 121 idVendor 5943 • • Restart your CustoMac and follow the PDF in the.dmg file.
The green indicator in the Network preferences show a fully working system! I hope this helps anyone. I am no expert at all with Mac's and but I have some basic knowledge of computers. I have a Ralink RT2870 that a store in europe said was plug and play for Macbook.
(Im an aussie so I do speak da english) and after installing the outdated drivers nothing was detected at all. The ralink icon appeared but no utility would open. No ethernet slot created or anything detected in the USB socket when I plug it in. I then tried the following: Ralink drivers updated ones, then media tech, then rini i think its called and now bearcat extender as listed here. The only one who's utility even opened was the Rini one. My passport for mac 4tb and time machine backup. Bearcat and the others just icon appeared. Then I uninstalled again and updated from Mountain Lion 10.8.5 to Mavericks the latest today the 05th Nov 2013.
I retried all those drivers and the same result as before. Nothing showing or the utilities loading. Again the Rini loaded but says no device found. Am I missing a setting or something here?
I really need your help guys, I have a little daughter back home and cannot Skype her due to this extender failure! Software OS X 10.9 (13A603) Processor 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 Graphics Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB Antenna is a Ralink RT2870 (but been repackaged as a 'Turbox USB Adapter WLN-300'.
I just wanted to post that the BearExtender driver worked with my Rosewill RNX-N600UBE, which has a Ralink RT5572 chipset, on a clean Mavericks install. Didn't quite know what to do with the Info.plist file grimAXE posted in his instructions, but I followed everything else. Added my home network under Favorites in the app (vs just clicking to connect since nothing else would happen after typing in the pw, but maybe I was just impatient) and was good to go! Tested my connection and it was just as good as when my MBP was plugged in via ethernet and sharing its internet. I've been reading the forums for weeks trying to figure out which wireless adapter to replace it with, since MediaTek's driver refused to work for me, so I'm ridiculously happy this fixed things! I have the infamous Linksys WUSB600n v2 which needs additional configuration in its Info.plist file in the kext itself.
To install for the Linksys WUSB600n v2 follow the instructions on the PDF, to remove any traces of previous driver installations. • Open the uninstaller package file, let it do it's thing and then restart your CustoMac • When rebooting be on the safe side and use the -f (ignore kernel cache command) on the Chimera boot loader to flush out any traces of the old kext. • Once booted open the installer app but don't restart once propted • Navigate to ~/System/Library/Extensions and go to RT870USBWirelessDriver.kext • Right-click and select show package contents • Open the contents folder and Copy the Info.plist file to the desktop • backup the current.kext file for safe measure • Open the file in your text editor of choice • Command+F and find linksys go past the second entry and copy/paste the code right underneath it. Code: Linksys - RT2870 - 3 CFBundleIdentifier com.Ralink.driver.RT2870USBWirelessDriver IOClass RT2870USBWirelessDriver IOProviderClass IOUSBDevice idProduct 121 idVendor 5943 • • Restart your CustoMac and follow the PDF in the.dmg file. The green indicator in the Network preferences show a fully working system! I hope this helps anyone.